Resep Bakso Mercon Simple

Cara Membuat Bakso Sambal Bawang Pedassss

Bakso Recipe (Indonesian Meatballs Soup)

Authentic Bakso Recipe

Untuk versi bahasa kunjungi Resep Bakso Sapi Mudah dan Sehat. Bakso or meatballs soup is one of Indonesian’s favourite dish. Like oxtail soup, you can find this dish everywhere in Indonesia. Kaki lima (Street vendors), local restaurants, even in five stars hotel. We categorise this dish as a comfort food.

I love bakso very much, especially homemade ones as I know exactly what i put in there. This bakso recipe is a healthier option for bakso lovers. No MSG or other artificial ingredients, we even made our own beef stock. Actually, that’s the secret for a yummy bakso broth. Make your own beef stock by boiling beef bones for minimum of 5 hours in a low heat, adding water as needed to get certain amount of beef stock. To get 3 litres of beef stock, I only use 1 kg of beef bones. And that’s more than enough to get a good taste of authentic bakso broth.

Talking about homemade stock, I do realise that it can be very fatty. But do you know that it is very easy to get rid of the fat on the stock? Simply strain the bone and put the stock liquid in a glass pot or plastic bowl, let cool and refrigerated overnight. The next day the fat had solidified and you can just pull it off with a spoon.

Bakso Recipe (Indonesian Meatballs Soup)
  • 500gr beef minced
  • 200gr corn flour
  • 6 garlic clove, minced
  • ½ tsp baking powder
  • 5 white egg
  • ½ tsp pepper
  • 1 tsp salt (or as needed)
  • Water
  • 3 litre of homemade beef stock
  • 3 garlic clove, crushed
  • 1 stalk celery
  • 1 spring onion, chopped
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • 1 tsp beef stock powder
  • Salt as needed
  • Egg noodles or rice noodles
  • Celery leaf, chopped
  • Spring onion, chopped
  • Fried shallot (you can buy from Asian groceries)
  • Kecap manis (sweet soy sauce)
  • Tomato sauce
  • Chili sambal sauce
  1. Sautee the garlic until softened.
  2. Mix the sautéed garlic with the rest of the ingredients, mix well in a food processor (you can use your hands to mix them if you don't have food processor, just make sure all ingredients mixed well).
  3. Boil enough water in a big soup pot, add the meatballs one by one as you make them. I use spoons to scoop and shape them. And when they start floating, thats when the meatballs are cooked.
  1. Place all the broth ingredients in a soup pot/deep pot and bring to boil.
  2. Add the meatballs.
Serving suggestion:Put all serving ingredients in a medium soup bowl, add few meatballs with the broth.You can skip the chili sambal for non spicy bakso.

I hope you find this bakso recipe useful :)

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