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Recipes Kastengel Cheese Cookies Special Delicious
Kue Kastengel |
Recipes Kastengel Cheese Cookies Special Delicious or Cheese Finger Cookies
Baking ingredients kastengel cheese cookies:
Ingredients 1:
150 grams butter
150 grams margarine
2 egg yolks
1 teaspoon flavoring (optional if liked)
1 tsp emplex (perenyah cake, can buy at the grocery store cake)
1 teaspoon salt
Ingredients 2:
50 ml fresh cream
Ingredients 3:
125 g parmesan cheese, grated
125 grams of cheddar cheese, grated
Ingredients 4 (mixed and sifted):
25 grams of cornstarch
25 grams of full cream milk powder
500 grams flour protein is (eg a blue triangle)
1 teaspoon baking powder
Ingredients 5 or smear cake (mix and filter):
5 egg yolks
1 tablespoon water
1/2 tsp vegetable oil
2 drops of yellow coloring (optional)
Ingredient 6 (for topping cakes):
grated cheddar cheese to taste
How To Make Cheese Cookies Special Kastengel:
A. Combine ingredients and beat until fluffy and one white.
2. 2 Pour the ingredients bit by bit, while continuing to be shaken average.
3. Add 3 ingredients, and blend again briefly until smooth.
4. Enter the 4 ingredients, then stir gently with a spatula until the batter is smooth.
5. Form the dough into a long box or a hand or a finger-sized oval shape U, depending on your taste.
6. Place onto a baking sheet that has been spread with margarine. Rub surface of dough with 5 ingredients until blended, then sprinkle the top with 6 ingredients.
7. Bake in the oven with a temperature of 150 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes, reduce temperature to 100 degrees centigrade, then bake again for 20 minutes to dry and mature.
How to make a special resep kue kastengel very easy, itsn't. Actually the ingredient is just a little, just because the ingredient is grouped'll make it easier, so it looks and impressed many. But her cakes taste really good right. Suitable for very deh widths are presented as a dry cake. Yes also try the other recipes. Recipe chocolate-filled pastries sweet pea. Who knows too impressive to adorn your Lebaran this year.
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