Resep Soto Tangkar
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Soto Tangkar Betawi - Betawi Beef Ribs Soup
Home / All Recipes / Indonesian / Soto Tangkar Betawi - Betawi Beef Ribs Soup
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Soto tangkar is another soto from Betawi. Tangkar means beef ribs in Betawi language, and hence soto tangkar always uses beef ribs as its main ingredient. Back in the old colonial days, whenever a party was held by the Dutch, a whole cow would be cut and some of the lesser choice cuts would be distributed to the locals, and the ribs were such cuts. Over time, the locals developed soto tangkar to utilize the leftover ribs.
Author: Anita Jacobson
Categories: Soup
Cuisine: Indonesian
Ingredients: Beef
Prep Time: 30 mins
Cook Time: 2 hours 30 mins
Total Time: 3 hours
Serves: 8
- 1 kilogram beef ribs
- 2 liter water
- 3 tablespoon oil
- 6 kaffir lime leaves (Indonesian: daun jeruk)
- 3 bay leaves (Indonesian: daun salam)
- 3 lemongrass (Indonesian: sereh), bruised and knotted
- 2 inch cinnamon stick (Indonesian: kayu manis)
- 1 inch galangal (Indonesian: lengkuas), bruised
- 500 ml coconut milk (Indonesian: santan)
- 125 gram shallot (Indonesian: bawang merah)
- 5 cloves garlic (Indonesian: bawang putih)
- 6 red anaheim/serrano chilies (Indonesian: cabe besar merah)
- 6 candlenuts (Indonesian: kemiri)
- 2 inch turmeric (Indonesian: kunyit)
- 1 tablespoon salt
- 1 tablespoon coriander seeds (Indonesian: biji ketumbar)
- 1 teaspoon cumin seeds (Indonesian: biji jinten)
- 1 teaspoon white peppercorns (Indonesian: merica putih butiran)
- 2 tomatoes, cut into small pieces
- 2 scallions, thinly sliced
- 2 limes, cut into wedges
- melinjo crackers (Indonesian: emping)
- sweet soy sauce (Indonesian: kecap manis)
- Boil together beef ribs and water in a soup pot, remove scum as needed.
- Heat oil in a frying pan and fry spice paste, lime leaves, bay leaves, lemongrass, cinnamon stick, and galangal until fragrant, about 5 minutes. Transfer into the soup pot. Reduce heat, cover the pot, and simmer until the meat has become tender, about 2 hours.
- Pour in the coconut milk, mix well, and bring to a boil. Adjust salt as needed, and turn off the heat.
- Transfer to serving bowls, and serve with the garnish and accompaniments.
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