Resep Rasa Sayange Mnctv Hari Ini
Rasa Sayange
Soto Mie Petis Resep by Rudy Choirudin
Bahan 1: • 250 g Tulang Muda Sapi, potong serasi...
• 1.800 ml air
Bahan 2: (haluskan) • 6 siung Bawang Putih • 3 buah Bawang Merah • 2 butir Kemiri • 3 cm Jahe • 3 cm Lengkuas Bahan 3: • 2 sdm Petis Udang • 1 sdt Petis Ikan/ Kupang • 4 siung Bawang Putih, haluskan • 1 sdt Garam • 1 sdm Gula Pasir
• 300 ml Air
Bahan 4: (pengental bumbu petis) • 2 sdm Tepung Beras, dilarutkan dengan 4 sdm air
Bahan 5: • 1 buah Tahu Putih, goreng utuh hingga 1/2 matang • 150 g Kangkung, siangi, lalu seduh • 150 g Taoge, seduh • 200 g Mie Kuning Basah, seduh • 2 sdm Seledri, rajang • 2 sdm Bawang Goreng • 1 buah Jeruk Nipis • 150 g Kerupuk Kanji • Lontong secukupnya
• Sambal soto secukupnya
Cara Membuat: 1. Rebus bahan 1 2. Ulek bahan 2 hingga halus 3. Tuang bumbu halus ke dalam rebusan, rebus hingga mendidih 4. Tutup panci dan kecilkan api, rebus kembali selama 30 menit hingga tulang muda empuk 5. Untuk membuat bumbu petisnya, rebus semua bahan 3, masak hingga petis larut. 6. Masukkan bahan 4, masak hingga bumbu petis mengental dan mengkilat 7. Untuk penyajiannya, letakkan 1 sdm bumbu petis di dasar piring, beri lontong, mie, taoge, kangkung, tahu, tetelan, siram dengan kuah dan berikan kerupuk, taburan seledri, bawang goreng, jeruk nipis dan sambal soto
8. Sajikan selagi panas
Soto noodle petis Recipe by Rudy Choirudin Material 1: • 250 g bone young cow, cut compatible • 200 g bits beef • 2 rods of lemongrass, split and memarkan • 6 pieces of orange leaves • 2 pieces of leaf greetings • 1 Tea Ladaku Pepper Powder • 1 SDT MY VILLAGE TURMERIC POWDER • 1 HR MY VILLAGE CORIANDER POWDER • 1½ tablespoons of salt • 1 SDT of sand sugar • 1.800 ml of water Material 2: (purée) • 6 cloves of garlic • 3 Red onion fruit • 2 grains of pecan • 3 cm of ginger • 3 CM Galangal Material 3: • 2 tablespoons of shrimp petis • 1 Tea Petis Fish / kupang • 4 cloves of garlic, purée • 1 SDT OF SALT • 1 tablespoons of sand sugar • 300 ml of water Material 4: (Thickener Seasoning Petis) • 2 tablespoons of rice flour, dissolved with 4 tablespoons of water Material 5: • 1 Fruit Tofu White, fried whole up to 1/2 ripe • 150 g kangkung, siangi, then brewing • 150 g sprout, brewing • 200 g wet yellow noodles, brewing • 2 tablespoons of celery, rajang • 2 tablespoons of fried onions • 1 Lime fruit • 150 g kanji crackers • Lontong enough • Soto Sambal is enough How to make: 1. BOIL MATERIAL 1 2. WILL MATERIAL 2 to smooth 3. Pour Smooth Seasoning into the stew, boil it until boiling 4. Close the pot and turn down the fire, boil it back for 30 minutes until the young bone is soft 5. To Make Seasoning Spice, boil all ingredients 3, cook up to late petis. 6. Insert MATERIAL 4, cook until petis seasoning thickens and shiny 7. for the presentation, put 1 tablespoons of petis seasoning at the bottom of the plate, give lontong, noodle, sprout, kangkung, tofu, bits, flush with gravy and give crackers, celery sprinkles, fried onions, lime and soto sambal 8. Serve it while it's hot
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